Sunday, November 12, 2006

Celebrating 30!

Yes Joel is turning 30 tomorrow. He even started a blog to commemorate the big event! It seems like we've been celebrating all weekend and his birthday isn't until tomorrow.

Emily Jantz and I decided to try to throw a Surprise Birthday Party for our husbands. Peter turned 25 yesterday. The surprise didn't end up working out...the weather was rather disagreeable. Joel was scheduled to ref a basketball game in Holmen until about 7 p.m., so I was hoping to do my party prep and be ready when he got home. Due to the accumulation of snow on Friday the game was canceled and I spilled the beans! I understand that Peter started making plans for Friday evening that did not include going over to the Rech's , so Emily had to adapt her story as well. I have never tried to plan or pull off a surprise party and it is a bit of a challenge. Especially getting the "invites" out and responded to without tipping the surprisee off. I ended up sending out a mass email and have since realized that I did miss people while attempting not to use the groups that included Joel...I apologize. It was wonderful to have people over to celebrate Peter and Joel.

Today we had some of our family over for lunch. It was fun to have both our families together (We missed Ann, Mark, Louis and Sarah, who couldn't make it), especially seeing all of our nieces and nephews playing together. They also eagerly help Joel open his presents.

For more photos of these events check out this link...Joel's Birthday


Anonymous said...

This is the birthday that never ends. It began with a gathering on Friday and continued through today with pictures posted at work. Wow .. What a birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking back, I still remember Emily's comments - "All these candles are really hot!!" as she was holding the cake in front of us. They were too, no lie. I guess when you get older you need more fire extinguishers around in case they drop the cake ;-)